Doctoral Scholarship The work will consist of modeling (1) multiphase flow: This involves the dynamics of free-floating solid grains, the phenomenon of grain sedimentation and packing, and flow through packed porous layer, (2) formation microporosities: the phenomena involved in the transport of dissolved hydrogen, the relationship of pressure and nucleation gas bubbles. This Doctoral Scholarship project will interact closely with a parallel PhD project investigating aspects of the microscopic details of grain growth. This final goal is to predict the distribution of grain structure and microporosity in the casting. Model development will be integrated into the existing framework SOLID. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
http://thescholarshipprogramme.com They Doctoral Scholarship will be studied and validated by comparison to experimental analysis conducted by CRV Constellium industry partners. This thesis project is part of the Principia (see below) and will interact with other project partners. biennial meeting of all partners will occur.
How to Apply: Send by email
Scholarship Application Deadline: Employer Contact
Further Scholarship Information and Application